Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Format 1

1.1               OBJECTIVE OF SIWES

The Objective of SIWES includes the following;
·         To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machineries that may not be available in tertiary institutions.
·         Provides exposure of students to the environment in which they may eventually work, thereby enabling them to see how the future professions are organized in practice.
·         It provides an avenue for students in Nigerian tertiary institutions to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study.
·         Enables students to bridge the gap between knowledge acquired in school and the relevant production skills required in work organizations
·         Prepares students to contribute to the productivity of their employers and national development immediately after graduation.
·         To make the transition from the university to the labor market easy for students, and thus enhance students contact for the later job placement.
·         To give room for social and academic interaction with professionals in their field and working environment and also to expose the reality of working places.

Format 2

The objectives of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) are:-
·         To provide students with the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge into real work situations, thereby bridging the gap between school work and real world situation.
·         To expose students to work methods, modern working equipment’s in their chosen professions.
·         To make the transition from the Universities to the place of work easier and thus enhancing students contacts for later job placement
·         To prepare students for working environments they are likely to meet after graduation
Provide an avenue for students in the Nigerian Universities to acquire Industrial skills and experience in their various course of study