Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nigerians Can Now Apply for Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship 2016/2017

Yeah! It is very true that Nigerians can also Apply for Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship 2016/2017.

Are you studying a PhD at a university in a developing (Nigeria) Commonwealth country? Does your university or department have links with a counterpart in the UK? If so, you may be able to apply for a Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship to spend up to 12 months of your PhD study at a UK university.

Applications are now open for Commonwealth Split-site (PhD) Scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year. Eligibility criteria apply, and support is required from both your home supervisor and your proposed supervisor in the UK. Applications must be made directly to the CSC.

Commonwealth Split-Site Scholarship Deadline

The deadline is 19 November 2015.