Wednesday, December 9, 2015
How to Write Acknowlegement for SIWES & IT
My profound gratitude goes to God Almighty for His infinite mercy, blessings, wisdom, and knowledge, understanding and loving kindness that He bestowed upon me. I greatly express my gratitude to my lecturers in the Department of Computer Science, Madonna University and also my (Head of Department, Computer science) Dr. Timothy Atabong for their advice to all their Students.
A special thanks to my parents. I am really proud of them for their unrented effort, guidance and counselling. Also very huge thanks to Mr. Aku Ugonna for taking his time to ensure that my Industrial training in ICT centre (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY) was smooth and fruitful. I also want to express my profound gratitude to my colleges I worked with, who provided a conducive environment for the exercise.
Finally, huge thanks to those who contributed in one way or the other to make my industrial training a success, that God in his infinite goodness guide and grant their heart desires.
That's just a sample of how to write Acknowledgement for SIWES and Technical Report!
That's just a sample of how to write Acknowledgement for SIWES and Technical Report!
Industrial Attachment,